Saturday, July 4, 2009

Special Developmental Task Force!

bottom row, left to right

Lucy Talkshow - Future Infrastructure Supervisor
Promise Chan - Chief Accountability Consultant
Cathy Cigar - Lead Atmospheric Optimization Coordinator
Boris Salsabar - Central Applications Engineer
Horatio Caine - Global Quality Assurance Tactics Executive

top row

Yosef Escuela - Principle Implementation Specialist
Ned Jumpson - Senior Remote Leverage Producer
Dom Guzzler - Regional Division Administrator
Everette Billions - Internal Communications Director
Dwright H. Smite - International Brand Architect

"he who controls the past commands the future, he who commands the future, conquers the past."


1 comment:

  1. Put the one where I was on the tree at the CSUF arboretum. That one is cool too.!
